Prix de la mise en scène - Venise 2000
Prix du Public - Festival des trois continents - Nantes 2000
Near an isolated rail-crossing on the outskirts of a small village
in rural Bengal, the signalman, Balaram, and the gateman, Nimai,
enjoy a close and joyous friendship. They pass the time-of-day endlessly
pursuing their passion for wrestling. Nearby, a Padre performs his
compassionate duty as a benefactor to tribal villagers and local
Christians. His only family is an adopted tribal orphan, Matthew.
In the mornings, a party of dwarfs from a colony on the other side
of a hill sets out for work. One of them is a train guard, and an
object of admiration for the wrestlers, who dream of being promoted
to that exalted position some day. Also wending its way trought
the surrounding woods is a small troupe of itinerant traditional
masked dancers.